Maven Release in 5 Minutes

Maven Release in 5 Minutes

This is a very short summary of how Maven release works and how to configure it.


You should know what Maven lifecycle, phase, goal and plugin is.

Release Life Cycle

maven-release-plugin does not bind to any phase. This means your project won’t be released when you run a phase. Instead, you have to explicitly run the goals of the plugin.

The two most important goals are:

  • release:prepare - create a release tag in the scm, create a file and backup files, and update the project version. Full description
  • release:perform - checkout the release tag and upload to a repository. Full description

release:prepare is idempotent, so multiple runs doesn’t change anything. To re-prepare, add command line option -Dresume=false, which will delete and backup files.
Alternatively, you can run mvn release:clean release:prepare.

Perform Release

What is performed during release can be configured with the goals configuration.

E.g., if you want to upload artifacts to Sonatype, you can add nexus-staging-maven-plugin, which will perform the upload in deploy phase and release (to Maven central) with nexus-staging:release, like this:

  <!-- This plugin is an extension to the deploy phase, adding a new deployment type -->
    <!-- The server ID configured in settings.xml  -->
    <!-- Not important for snapshots -->
    <!-- This will release the artifacts after staging them -->
    <goals>deploy nexus-staging:release</goals>

Configure SCM Provider

Maven already supports many scm systems. The only thing you need to do is to make sure the <scm> tag is configured correctly. The release plugin uses it to pull and push changes.

Here’s an example for git:

Tag Meaning
<connection> read-only
<developerConnection> read-write
<url> publicly visible
<tag> the tag to checkout to make the release

Rollback Release

release:rollback allows you to rollback a release, but only if you haven’t run release:clean. More details

Generate Release POM

release:prepare-with-pom generates a release-pom.xml, which contains all resolved dependencies, so all dependencies (including transitive) are explicitly defined.

Dry Run

All goals can be dry run with -DdryRun=true. This will still generate the properties and backup files, but won’t change any code or commit anything.


maven-release-plugin doc:
Maven scm overview:
Maven scm providers:
Maven <scm><tag>:
Maven <scm> tag:

Written with StackEdit.

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